Monday, March 10, 2008

back to back

with the bike in the shop and 5 days of rest I HAD TO work it out. so i ran. Saturday and Sunday runs of 3 miles. i was slow. it was fun and my left leg neither fell off nor spontaneously combust. i call that a success.

weather forecast have upper 40's in the future for us Midwesterners. i see an end of the week ride in my future. do you?

as you may know i have a movie theater in my basement. it has been up and running for two weeks now. i have been watching movies when ever i can, which has been often. some i have seen, but i am revisiting them in High Definition (BluRay or HDDVD). the high def movie experience is incredible. i had no idea how crisp and clear a movie could look on 119 inch screen. every movie lover should experience it.

i am going on a movie marathon. one a night for as many nights as i can swing. i started this past Saturday and my schedule shows my nights free up to this Saturday. i am guessing everyone wants to know what i watched and what i thought :) ?!@? so, that is what you will get.

let me catch you up to date with a list, in order of viewing, since the AMJ Cinema opened.

1. Gladiator - 5 stars. one of my all time favorites. the acting and action is outstanding.(R)

2. Devil Wears Prada - 3 stars. BluRay. i can admit i liked it, but i was drinking.(N)

3. Martix - 5 stars. HDDVD. wow, i love this movie.(R)

4. Ratatouille - 3.5 stars. BluRay & stunning. a rather involved story line for a cartoon.(N)

5.The Notebook - 3 stars. the wifes favorite. again, i was drinking.(R)

6. Fast & Furious - 2 stars. HDDVD. cars, hot chicks & hot dudes.(R)

7. Pleasantville - 3 stars. should have been drinking.(N)

8. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - 2 stars. BluRay blew me away. too much jack for me though.(N)

9. Martix 2 - 4 stars. HDDVD. great action from start to end.(R)

10. Matrix 3 - 5 stars. HDDVD. the picture & sound is amazing. i forgot how good this one is.(R)

11. Memento - 4 stars. guy pearce is most excellent. the back words story is cool.(R)

12. Count of Monte Cristo - 3 stars. another guy pearce vehicle. the wife loves it. it entertains.(R)

(5 star rating system. N=New to me / R=Repeat for me)
tonight will be night 3 of movie marathon. i have some options, but dont want to spoil my next post.

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