Monday, August 13, 2007

Still Stressing.....or not.....

My concerns with marathon training are easing a bit. Mainly as I was able to log three solid runs this past week. While I was not fast, the runs felt good as I tackled them in the August Midwest Heat Storm!!

The Breakdown:

Tuesday: 4.16 @ 8:51 per mile pace. Departed a 7:40pm with a heat index of 99 degrees.

Wednesday: 6.01 @ 9:12 pace. Time was 3pm & heat index around 90 degrees. I experienced some post run left knee and ankle tightness/pain.

Friday: 8.33 @ 9:05 pace. Worked late, then dinner, so it was a 7:30pm start time. The plan was for ten, but getting out late limited my sunlight and cut the run short. I felt great and could have knocked out ten miles for sure.

Sunday: CYCLING!! 35 miles @ 17.5 avg mph. I could feel that I had been off the bike for 8 days as this was an effort. I was surprised that I was able to log a decent average m.p.h. despite my time away from the bike.

O.K., while I only ran three times this past week and did not top 2o miles total I am feeling good with the efforts. The left knee and ankle pain has me concerned a bit, so the slight step back in mileage might not be a bad thing. I continue to ice them down after each run.

This week is wide open for me on the training front. No 10 hours of driving to Iowa for Lies and
(aka, fake wedding! :) ). In a perfect world I want four runs and two rides. I will take four runs and one ride. If the neighborhood kid shows up to mow my yard I may run tonight....

Last weeks efforts left me with one burning question; Headband or Hat?


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