Monday, August 21, 2006

Went running.............

OUTSIDE for the first time in years. Well, I can not even tell you the last time I ran outside. I have been doing some running when I am short on time or in the need of a change up, but it has all been on a treadmill. I would say I have managed one to two sessions a week since I started getting healthy. On the treadmill I knock out 2 to 3 miles at a time.

Tonight, in prep for a 5k event in September, I headed over to the high school to run the track. I only did two miles of running, but ran 8 minute miles. I walked a mile as part of my warm up / cool down. I normally run 9 minute miles when on the treadmill. This run was a lot more straining then past ones, but not beyond what I could handle. I really enjoyed it, but did not want to over do it so stopped short at 2 miles.

I even carried my Polar CS200cad along for some heart rate and calorie info.

The Stats: 12 laps = 3 miles (2 running/1 walking), 31 minutes, 139 avg heart rate with 175 max and 390 calories toasted.

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