Sunday, July 10, 2005

In Case You Missed It...............

For those just joining the party I thought I should let you know I started this blog as a way to track my road to middle-aged-fitness. I had just purchased a mountain bike and wanted to be in shape for summer riding. I spent most of the winter working out 3 to 4 days a week at the gym. Lifting weights and doing cardio. I was feeling really good about it all. I even lost 10 pounds despite not really changing me diet. Then something happened?????

I have over 150 miles on the mountain bike and 50 on the new road bike. That really is not very many considering the lack of rain we have had around here. So, I decided to step on the scale the other day and BAM 232.5 lbs. That really sucks, but I knew it was coming. I am tall, 6'3", and carry the weight well, but still that aint where I want to be.

I worked so hard over the winter and just ate it all way in spring and early summer. I need to focus on the damn diet and I would have no problem maintaining a better weight, like say 220 lbs. Through in some bike riding and I could be looking at 215 lbs.

What is the fucking point? I am back at it kids. Losing 15 lbs is the goal and riding with eating right is the way to Git-R-Done. It was 10.7 road miles yesterday with a 15 mph avg 20 max mph and 43 minutes of ride time. That makes for 36 road miles last week. This weeks goal is 50!

Wait did I mention the hunched over riding style that is road biking has flared up my lower back. Yes the pain right above the arse that can take your breath away and run down your leg. Shit, I am already making excuses. I must go. Later.

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