Just a little break from the normal movie quote titles to bring some college hoops news to you. Pierre Pierce is back in the police reports again. As college hoop fans may recall two years ago he faced a felony charge of third degree sexual abuse of a female student athlete at the University of Iowa. Iowa prosecutors could not convince the victim to testify so they accepted reduced chargers and he plead guilty to assault causing serious injury, which is a misdemeanor. There are "alleged" disturbing stories of Iowa and the great Steve Alford bullying the victim and scaring her not to pursue the felony charges. Now this alleged "dirt bag" possibly is allegedly involved in a robbery of his ex-girlfriend's apartment. Maybe he didn't deserve that second chance? Likely not, but because he can play basketball on a high level he got one and let us hope there is not a third coming!
I feel better. How about you? I am out. Later.
1 week ago
Not sure if you saw the good news, but Paul Pierce is finally gone.
Yeah I read the story and I am glad to see. However, like my rant above states, it is too late on Iowa's part. Later.
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